Publié le February 25, 2022

Morocco Now: Societe Centrale De Reassurance Has Obtained The Approval For Its “retakaful” Window

Société Centrale de Réassurance (SCR), subsidiary of Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion (CDG) Group, has obtained the agreement  from the Insurance and Social Security Supervisory Authority (ACAPS) for the creation of a “RETAKAFUL” window to carry out TAKAFUL reinsurance operations in accordance with the law in force.

SCR’s Management is pleased to obtain this agreement, which is   in alignment with SCR ambitions for its activities’ growth and expansion.

  Through the “RETAKAFUL” window in Morocco, SCR will play a major role, working hand in hand with the local operators of TAKAFUL accompanying them from their early beginning throughout   their  expansion,  aiming to be among the  Retakaful pioneers in the participatory finance at the regional and international levels.

The “RETAKAFUL” sector will play a major role in the development of the Kingdom’s participatory economy. It will enable its various players to actively contribute to the emergence of a new form of insurance and reinsurance at both local and international levels.

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